It is a well-known fact that children can be rambunctious at times. In order to give children a healthy outlet for their energy, many parents enroll young ones in organized sports. While participation in sports can be a great way for children to get exercise and social interaction, playing a sport could also result in a child sustaining a concussion.
Here are three things you should be watching for each time your child plays a sport to determine whether or not a concussion has been sustained.
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If you care for a loved one suffering with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), you may worry about the progression of the disease once it gets to its final stages. Caring for a COPD patient can be heartbreaking as that person struggles to breathe, depending on a tank of oxygen wherever they may go. Treatments are available that may help your loved one breathe easier. Learn more about how stem cells are being used to slow down the progression of COPD.
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If you are having a serious rotator cuff problem, such as a tear, that does not respond to conventional treatments like rest and physical therapy, an intriguing alternative has recently been developed that is worth your consideration. This new approach for healing a rotator cuff tear is known as stem cell therapy. The following article takes a closer look at this compelling medical innovation.
Stem Cells
Stem cells are different from the typical cells in the body. They have the ability to turn into one of the body's other types of cells.
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If you have an older relative or friend, chances are good that you have procured them in-home care. This is extremely helpful because it ensures that there will be someone at your friend or relative's house regularly so that your friend or relative has companionship when you can't be there. It also helps ensure that your friend or relative is able to get the help that he or she needs eating, getting dressed, bathing, or cleaning the house.
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If you have a history of fibrocystic breast disease, you may not be too concerned if you develop new lumps in your breasts, especially if it happens every time you menstruate. However, you may want to speak to a doctor about the new lumps in your breasts to ensure that the lumps aren't cancerous. Fibrocystic breast tissue can make it difficult to feel lumps that can be or become cancerous. Here's what you look for in your new lumps, how 3D mammograms work and why you should get one now.
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