Got Pain? Stretches Every Office Worker Should Be Doing

Sitting in front of a computer screen or at a desk all day can have a lot of negative effects on your body. Your eyesight can worsen from hours of staring at the computer screen, you can gain weight from having a sedentary job, but what about your back and neck pain from sitting in a fixed position all day long? There are things you can do to help with that pain. Every office worker should get up throughout the day and do the following stretches to help prevent the pain associated with this type of work. 

Neck Stretch

These stretches can be done sitting, or while standing. Look away from the computer screen to get the full effect of these stretches without any distractions.

  • Bend your neck from side to side to get a full stretch in your neck. Hold the position for a minute or two.
  • Twist your head so you are looking over your shoulder, then do the other side. Hold the position to get a complete stretch in your neck muscles.
  • Tuck your chin into your chest to stretch the muscles in the back of your neck. Then tilt your chin upwards to work the muscles further.

Chest Stretch

Chest stretches are good, especially if you sit in a hunched position all day long. Your chest muscles will begin to become sore, in addition to your shoulders, neck and back.

  • Pull your hands behind your back and hold them together. Move them higher up behind your back, as high as you can to get a stretch in your pectoral muscles.

Shoulder Stretch

Your shoulders are probably sore from hours of sitting with your elbows on your desk, typing away. These stretches will help to alleviate those sore muscles.

  • Hold your hands together and hold them out to shoulder height. Push them out as far as you can away from your body to get a stretch in your shoulder. Then move your arms, with hands clasped, above your head to further stretch those muscles.
  • Take your right arm and hold it above your head. Bend your elbow and reach for your upper back. Use your left hand to hold your right elbow to help stretch further. Switch arms to stretch the other side.
  • Hold your right arm across your chest and use your other hand to help hold your arm. Pull as far as you can to stretch the muscle, then switch sides.

Back Stretch

Your lower and upper back muscles are probably affected by your job, from both sitting and from poor posture. These stretches will help ease that soreness.

  • Sit in your chair and bend forward to touch your toes. You can also stand and bend forward to get the same effect. Hold the stretch for a minute or two.
  • Stand at your desk and bend from one side to the other to stretch your lower back muscles. Bend over to the side as far as you can. 
  • Twist at the waist and use your hands to help hold the position, then switch sides. You can do this in your chair if need be, or while standing.

These stretches will not only help alleviate the pain associated with your office job, it can also help to reduce stress, which may help increase your work performance. Contact a professional at a clinic like Gillette Chiropractic Center for more information.
