Two Tips For Hearing Aid Patients

Losing your ability to hear can be a devastating problem for many people to experience. In addition to making it potentially unsafe to navigate your daily life, this problem can also make it difficult for you to carry on with your professional career and personal life. Fortunately, hearing aids can dramatically reduce the problems that are experienced from this type of hearing loss, but many people do not have much experience with these complex devices. By following these two tips, you can help ensure that you are getting the most from your hearing aid. 

Turn Off The Hearing Aid When You Are Not Using It

At the end of the day, most people will remove their hearing aids for the night. Unfortunately, some individuals do not realize that there are benefits to turning off the hearing aid whenever it is not in use. This will save the battery, and it will reduce the wear and tear on the sensitive internal components of the hearing prosthetic. 

Unfortunately, the exact steps for turning off your hearing aid will vary depending on the make and model. In some systems, you can simply press a button to activate or deactivate the aid, but others may force you to completely remove the battery to turn it off. 

Visit Your Audiologist Every Six Months After Getting The Hearing Aid

Sadly, hearing loss is often a progressive condition, and this means that it will worsen as time progresses. Luckily, hearing aids can help individuals with extremely severe hearing problems, and this means that your hearing aid will likely be an effective solution for many years to come. Yet, your hearing will gradually weaken, but there is a simple way to ensure your hearing aid is still effective despite the further decrease in hearing acuity. 

At least once a year, you need to take the hearing aid to an audiologist to have it adjusted. During this process, they will usually perform routine tests on your hearing to determine the amount of hearing loss that has occurred since your last visit. After determining this, the sensitivity of the hearing aid will be increased to offset this reduction in hearing acuity. 

A hearing aid may be the perfect solution for restoring a failing sense of hearing, but these devices are highly expensive and complex. As a result, it is vital for you to ensure you are getting the most from this investment. By understanding the importance of turning off the hearing aid when not using it and having it adjusted by a hearing aid counseling service, you will be in a stronger position to ensure you retain the ability to hear the world around you. 
