Get Ready For Changes In Your Eyes And For Glasses In Your Life

If you're nearing 40, you can look forward to picking out some fashionable glasses soon. WebMD notes that many people start to note changes in their vision around that age. The early changes are typically mild enough that glasses can correct the vision problems. Here are some of the changes you might notice and how glasses will help.

You'll Need More Light to See

Your eye focuses light onto the retina located at the back of your eye. As you age, your retina becomes less sensitive to light. You may start to notice that you need to turn the lights up to read, or that signs on the road are difficult to make out unless they are lit well. Glasses have a magnifying effect on light so they will increase the amount of light that hits your retina. The world will seem a little brighter to you.

You'll Squint to See Things Clearly

The lens in your eye changes shape to make the image clear that it sends to the retina. The fluid in the lens slowly becomes less viscous, making it more difficult for your lens to adjust. When reading, the page may look blurry, so you squint to see it clearly. Squinting causes the optical muscles to change the shape of the lens to make things clearer. Using glasses corrects this blurriness so you can stop squinting at menus or your laptop screen.

You'll Notice More Glare

The fluid in the lens is normally transparent. Some people will experience cloudiness in the lens fluid as they age. This cloudiness will cause colors to look faded, and bright lights, such as car headlights and street lamps, will have a slight halo around them. You'll notice more glare off of reflective surfaces such as the water in a lake or the windows of an office building in the sun. Eye glasses with anti-glare lenses remove the halo and glare.

Your Eyes Will Feel Dry and Tired

Your tear glands produce fluid that constantly bathes your eyes. These glands may produce less moisture as you age. This makes your eyes feel dry and tired. If you have any of the other symptoms noticed above, the added stress on dry eyes can make them especially tired, to the point that you could have headaches. Eye drops from your ophthalmologist will keep your eyes moistened and glasses will relieve some of the stress from your eyes.

These visions changes will initially be a minor inconvenience. See an eye doctor for a complete eye exam. They will evaluate all of the above conditions and recommend the right glasses to correct any vision problems and relieve the strain on your eyes. Visit sites like for more information.
