Treating Common Injuries In A Toddler Learning To Walk
If you have a young child who has just or is in the process of learning how to walk, you will most likely be concerned for their well-being during the process. Small children are prone to a variety of common injuries as they are learning how to get around. Because this is a vulnerable time, it is best to bone up on first aid practices in case an injury was to occur. Here are some of the most common injuries a toddler would encounter and how to treat it properly.
Scrapes Or Cuts
As a child learns to walk, they are bound to scrape parts of their body against pieces of furniture. They may sustain flesh wounds from falling down, necessitating someone to jump in and tend to bleeding skin as a result. To help a child who has just experienced a cut or scrape, first wash out the wound under a water faucet to remove any debris from the area. Press a clean piece of cloth to the wound and hold it in place for several minutes to stop the bleeding. When bleeding appears to have subsided, apply an antibiotic ointment to the area and cover with a piece of clean gauze. If the bleeding does not stop, bring the child to an emergency room immediately.
Bumps And Bruises
Bruising is usually the end result to skin that has been traumatized by excessive force. When a child is learning to walk, they may sustain bruising to their legs or bottom after falling to the floor or against hard structures. If you notice discoloring of the skin, apply a cold compress to the area for several minutes to help reduce swelling in the area. This will also help alleviate any pain.
If a child bumps their head, you will need to monitor their activity for several hours to make sure they do not have a concussion resulting from the impact. Make sure the child refrains from lying down and closing their eyes as you would not notice symptoms of a concussion that may be present. If your child is vomiting, seems extremely lethargic, appears to have trouble focusing or speaking, or is completely unresponsive, bring them to an emergency room for evaluation.
Dislocations And Fractures
When a child is learning to walk, they may twist their body to compensate for the anticipation of the fall. If a small child appears to be limping or avoiding using their appendages after they fall down, they may have sustained internal damage that needs to be addressed. Bring your child to a doctor like one at Pediatric And Young Adult Medicine as soon as you notice any behavior change in their walking process to rule out problems with muscles or bones.