5 Tips For Preventing Glaucoma
Glaucoma can occur when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye and may eventually lead to blindness. Your risk of disease increases if you have a family history of the disease or suffer from diabetes. However, if you make some lifestyle changes, you can lower your chances of developing this eye disease. Here are five helpful tips for preventing glaucoma:
Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise does not just help keep you in good shape and boost your mood; it can also be beneficial for your eyes. When you work out consistently, it can decrease the pressure in your eyes, ultimately lowering your risk of glaucoma. Aim to jog, bike or do another form of exercise most days of the week.
Protect Your Eyes from Injury
It is also essential to prevent your eyes from getting injured. If your eyes get injured while playing a sport or doing a home improvement project, it can increase your risk of traumatic glaucoma. Put on a pair of protective goggles beforehand to keep your eyes safe.
Consider Glaucoma Eyedrops
If you have an increased risk of developing glaucoma, you may want to talk to your doctor about taking glaucoma eyedrops. They can reduce eye pressure in your eyes, lowering your chances of being diagnosed with the eye disease. It is very important to take these eyedrops regularly.
Lower Your Insulin Levels
Insulin resistance, whether it is caused by diabetes or high blood pressure, can increase pressure in your eyes. An effective way to lower your insulin levels is to avoid foods that are packed with sugars or simple carbohydrates, such as pasta, white rice and cereal. Complex carbohydrates, like brown rice and vegetables, are a lot healthier for you and will not raise your insulin levels.
Eat Nutritious Foods
Including nutritious foods in your diet is more important for your eyesight than you think. Foods that are packed with vitamin C, lutein or omega-3 fatty acids are effective at lowering eye pressure. If you include carrots, leafy greens and fatty fish in your diet, you will not be as likely to develop glaucoma in the future.
Glaucoma does not have to be in your future. If you follow these helpful tips, you can reduce your risk of developing this eye disease. However, even if you do not show any symptoms of glaucoma, you should still get an eye checkup once a year at a clinic like Country Hills Eye Center.