At Your Child’s Softball Tournament All Weekend? What To Do If You Get Stung
If your child plays softball and will be in a tournament all weekend, you will be spending a lot of time outdoors. Even though this will be a fun time for you, things can happen, such as getting stung by an insect. Below is some more information about allergic reactions to insects and what you should do if you are stung.
Allergic Reaction to Insects
Some common insects that cause allergic reactions in people are yellow jackets, fire ants, wasps, hornets, and honeybees. Many people simply feel pain when they are stung and the area will likely become inflamed and may even swell a little.
If you are stung and have an allergic reaction, some other symptoms you may have include:
- Hives
- Severe itching
- Flushing,
- Swelling in other areas of your body that are away from the sting area
- Dizziness
- Abdominal cramping
- Intense nausea and vomiting.
In some cases, you may have a severe allergic reaction to the sting. If so, it may impair your breathing, which is known as anaphylaxis. You mouth and throat may swell, have difficulty in swallowing and speaking, there may be a drop in your blood pressure. If not taken care of you will likely become unconscious.
Treatment of Insect Stings
If you are not allergic to the sting or bite, remove the stinger immediately. You should do this by using the edge of a credit card or knife to scrap out the bee sting. Never grab the sting with a pair of tweezers or your fingernails as this may cause more venom to get into your skin, which results in more pain. Insects like yellow jackets, hornets, and wasps do not have stingers.
Take antihistamines as soon as you can after you are stung. You can purchase these at any pharmacy. Put a cold compress over the area to help with the pain and swelling. See your doctor if your swelling does not go away or becomes worse. You should start to feel better within a couple of hours.
If you develop symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, you should call 911. The doctor will give you an injection, such as antihistamines, steroids, and epinephrine. The doctor may admit you to the hospital to receive medication intravenously if the reaction is very severe.
Once you are treated, the doctor can prescribe you an auto-injector, which usually injects epinephrine into your blood very quickly, to stop the allergic reaction. You should keep this injector with you any time you will be outside. For more information, visit websites like