Pain After Eating Isn’t Normal: Learn What Might Be To Blame

Pain after eating is sometimes common, but it's not exactly normal. While cramping or an upset stomach after a meal might not be a life-threatening emergency, it's an indication of an internal issue. Learn about some of the common causes of stomach pain so that you know what might be causing your issues. 

Food Intolerance

An intolerance, which is another way of saying sensitivity, is a reaction some people experience when they eat specific foods. Common food intolerances include yeast, gluten, and dairy. When a person with a sensitivity eats these foods, the body reacts in many ways, including in the form of cramping. Food intolerances are sometimes overlooked because they are confused with allergies, but the two are not the same.

An excellent way to identify an intolerance is to create a food journal that details everything you eat over several days or weeks, where you note the times when you experience the discomfort. A physician can then review the journal and look for any common food groups for which you often seem to react. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

People sometimes negate the connection between the stomach and the bowels. While the two systems are separate, they work closely together. As a result, an issue with the bowels can quickly cause problems inside the stomach. One issue that can lead to this type of outcome is irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

This gastrointestinal disorder prevents the large intestine from functioning correctly, which is also responsible for healthy digestion. When food is not able to be digested correctly, it can cause bloating, gas, cramping, and constipation. People who have this issue often have an undiagnosed food intolerance, so keep this in mind. 

Digestive Obstruction

When a person eats food, it only rests in the stomach for a short while. Almost immediately, the body targets the food in the stomach for digestion. Once it's digested, it makes its way to the colon for elimination. One cause for discomfort after eating could be an issue within the digestive tract that prevents your food from properly being digested or breaking down, which is known as an obstruction. 

Obstructions can be caused by eating too fast, which causes large chunks of food to block the intestine, or they can be from something more menacing, such as a tumor. Either way, it's important to address the issue with your provider. 

It's always a good idea to speak with a physician whenever you experience this sort of issue. Whether it's something as simple as a food intolerance or something more complex, such as an intentional obstruction, a physician will be able to diagnosis you and provide you with treatment options.

For more information, consult a gastroenterology specialist in your area.
