Can Opioid Addiction Treatments Improve Your Digestive System?

If you suffer from opioid addiction, your loved ones may encourage you to seek treatment soon. But if you don't think your addiction is severe enough to seek treatment, you may choose to work through your problems yourself. Opioid addiction can affect your mind and disrupt your digestive system. Learn about some of the physical side effects of opioid addiction on your digestive system and how treatment can help you below.

How Does Opioid Addiction Harm Your Digestive System?

Drugs that contain opioids can disrupt or block the involuntary movements in different areas of your body, including your intestines. Your intestines process and remove waste from your body. Opioid-induced constipation can occur if your intestines lose the ability to push waste out of your body.

Constipation can dry out and harden your stools. If your stools become too dry or hard, they can tear or bruise your rectum as they pass out of it. Some individuals may experience nausea, stomach bloating, and severe gas from opioid-induced constipation as well.

Constipation is just one of the health issues opioid addiction may cause you over time. Professional opioid addiction treatment may be the only way to overcome your issues.

How Does Opioid Addiction Treatment Improve Your Health?

When you seek opioid addiction treatment, counselors may ask you about your physical health. If you suffer from any form of constipation, inform a counselor immediately. They may add health and wellness counseling sessions to your addiction program. The sessions will teach you how to alleviate your constipation with healthier food choices. 

You may need to undergo other forms of wellness treatment during your opioid addiction treatment. Treatments, such as medical detox and medication-assisted therapy, can gradually rid your body of the substances that cause your addiction in the first place.

The detox method essentially purges or removes opioids from your body, including your digestive system. However, you may experience some side effects from medical detox, including nausea and vomiting. You must stay well-hydrated during this type of treatment to keep constipation at bay. 

If medical detox isn't an option for you, a counselor or doctor may try medication-assisted therapy instead. Medication-assisted therapy, or treatment, may require you to take specific types of medications to purge your body of opioids. The medications may contain ingredients that counteract or suppress opioids. If you have questions regarding medical-assisted opioid addiction treatment, consult a counselor immediately.

You can learn about opioid addiction effects on your digestive system and how treatment can help by contacting a counselor or physician today.
