How To Reduce Your Risk Of Hemorrhoids And Manage Them Without Surgery

Hemorrhoids are a common gastrointestinal problem that occurs when veins in the rectum because enlarged and inflamed. Sometimes hemorrhoids can be avoided with proper diet and bowel habits. Once they occur, it may be necessary to have non-surgical interventions when at-home care is not effective.

Risk Reduction

Some causes of hemorrhoids may be unavoidable. For example, hemorrhoids may occur during pregnancy or because of frequent heavy lifting. Generally, excess pressure on the rectum and straining are what cause hemorrhoids. Some ways to minimize the occurrence of hemorrhoids or reduce their severity include avoiding irritation to the rectum by frequent constipation or diarrhea as much as possible. If you struggle with constipation, regular use of stool softeners — not ones containing laxatives — and increasing fiber in your diet through incorporating more high-fiber foods or supplementation may help. For some people, frequent diarrhea may be caused by food intolerances, such as the consumption of dairy products or foods high in fat. People who deal with frequent constipation are more likely to strain during bowel movements, which also can cause hemorrhoids. If changes in your diet do not help, talking with your doctor can help diagnose underlying issues, such as inflammatory bowel diseases or irritable bowel syndrome.

At-Home Care

Some people are able to successfully manage hemorrhoids on their own. Keeping their stools soft and easy to pass can minimize irritation and inflammation of current hemorrhoids and reduce the chance of new ones forming. OTC ointments and wipes are often effective at reducing pain, itching, and irritation from hemorrhoids. Since hemorrhoids may be external or internal, it may be necessary to use OTC suppositories to help with internal hemorrhoids. When your hemorrhoids are actively inflamed, switching from toilet paper to moist flushable wipes can be soothing and more comfortable to use, even if they are not medicated. Another advantage of using wipes, whether medicated or not, is they are often easy to carry with you for restroom visits away from home.

Non-Surgical Options

If hemorrhoids cause frequent pain and especially heavy bleeding, it will be necessary to have them treated by a professional. Fortunately, there are some non-surgical options that can be used and may allow you to avoid more invasive procedures. One option is sclerotherapy. This procedure is similar to the one used for varicose veins. The hemorrhoids are injected with a substance that blocks the vein and eventually causes it to shrink. Sclerotherapy may be more effective for smaller hemorrhoids. Larger hemorrhoids may require coagulation or banding. Coagulation involves using lasers to eliminate the blood supply to the vein and eventually it shrinks. Banding can be an option for more severe hemorrhoids. The procedure involves placing bands at the base of the hemorrhoids and similar to other procedures, the hemorrhoids eventually die off.

Many people find the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids can be managed with OTC products and changes in their diet. When the problem is severe, it is necessary to try hemorrhoid non-surgical treatments.
