Your doctor has recommended a hip replacement to remove the arthritic-damaged hip joint and give you one on which you can walk without pain. The first part of this process is the surgery to replace the hip by the orthopedic surgeons. The second part is in your hands - a successful recovery at home. Here is what you can expect while you're in the hospital and after you get home.
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Many people spend a lifetime hiding their smiles because they do not like the appearance of their teeth. Fortunately, many people have regained the confidence to share their smiles with the world by having dental implants installed.
Dental implants are an excellent way to completely recreate your smile by replacing your unattractive or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that are permanently attached to the gums. These are two different procedures that are done to install dental implants.
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Because the flu is caused by a virus, it can be difficult to treat effectively. In fact, there is no real cure for the flu. Parents who have to watch their child mired in full blown flu misery may feel some pretty acute sympathy pains themselves. Fortunately, there is plenty your family medicine provider can do to help your child overcome the flu. Here are a few things your doctor, like one at Better Family Care Practice, may recommend to get your little one on the road to faster recovery.
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For people who have lost all their teeth, or those who have to get all their teeth removed, full mouth dental implants can be quite an abrupt change. If you lived without teeth for any length of time, you probably had to make some adjustments to your eating habits, and those changes may be fully ingrained now. You may have even gone months or years without eating anything more challenging than pudding or yogurt due to sensitive gums.
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If you have a loved one who is requiring more daily care as he or she ages, it may be time to look into paid care services. It can be rather difficult to provide care alone as a family, especially if work responsibilities keep you busy often. Luckily, there are many great care options available. It's important to carefully decide on one so that it's a great fit for your loved one.
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