Not Convinced Your Child Needs Laser Therapy For That Port Wine Stain? Look To The Future

Seeing a child with a port wine stain may not make you react much. That can be good if you're passing the child on the street, but it's not so good if you're that child's parent or guardian. Port wine stains may start out looking relatively mild in children, but they don't usually stay that way. Laser therapy is often recommended for treating the stains. If you've been reluctant to have your child undergo the treatment, you need to get past that. Read More 

Tips For Patients About To Start Physical Therapy Treatments

After major surgery or a serious injury, undergoing physical therapy can be an instrumental part of the recovery process. When individuals are referred to physical therapy for the first time, they may not always know what they should expect from these sessions or the steps they should be taking to prepare to start this treatment. Dress In Loose Athletic Clothing The type of clothing that you wear to your physical therapy sessions can be a surprisingly important factor. Read More 

3 Reasons To Visit A Gastroenterologist When You’re Having Stomach Issues

Have you been dealing with vomiting or constant heartburn? Maybe you've been experiencing hard-to-control bowel movement urges? Rather than tolerating these types of stomach issues, you may want to consider calling a gastroenterologist and making an appointment. More than likely, it will be covered by your health insurance — even if you have Medicare part B. Here are three reasons why you should consider a visit to the stomach doctor. Read More