What Are High-Tech Headstones?

The headstone of a loved one traditionally has just their name, date of birth and death, and a short message inscribed on it. While modern headstones still include this vital information, they have also begun incorporating advanced technology. With technology improving nearly every facet of your life, it isn't surprising that it can still be beneficial even after someone has passed on. Here are some different ways technology is being used with headstones. Read More 

Common Sports Medicine Questions Answered

Sports can be an excellent way to teach your child the importance of teamwork and physical conditioning, but sports injuries can cause major problems for your child. Luckily, sports medicine is able to help your child recover from these injuries, but most parents do not know much about these services, and they may have a couple of questions they need answered.  What Determines Recovery Time For A Sports Injury? Sports medicine can treat a variety of injuries in a relatively quick and effective manner. Read More 

Got Pain? Stretches Every Office Worker Should Be Doing

Sitting in front of a computer screen or at a desk all day can have a lot of negative effects on your body. Your eyesight can worsen from hours of staring at the computer screen, you can gain weight from having a sedentary job, but what about your back and neck pain from sitting in a fixed position all day long? There are things you can do to help with that pain. Read More 

Examining The Psychological Side Effects Of Unexpected Caesarean Delivery

Being pregnant is an experience most women never forget and traditionally pass down to their daughters in the form of advice and fond memories. However, for many women, pregnancy can be a traumatic, frightening time due to the anticipation of a painful delivery. Some women are nervous during pregnancy due to external circumstances and stress. For the woman that is anticipating a natural delivery, the unexpected need for an emergency caesarean delivery can be devastating. Read More