Getting That Perfectly Clear Skin: What You Should Know

In today's society, your external appearance and image account for a great deal of your sense of self-worth and pride. While this perhaps should not be the case, it is the reality of the society in which you live. Possibly the most important element of your external appearance is your skin. After all it is the largest organ in your body and covers nearly every visible part of your body. As such, you want do everything you can to keep your skin as vibrant and blemish free as possible. Read More 

Common Sports Medicine Questions Answered

Sports can be an excellent way to teach your child the importance of teamwork and physical conditioning, but sports injuries can cause major problems for your child. Luckily, sports medicine is able to help your child recover from these injuries, but most parents do not know much about these services, and they may have a couple of questions they need answered.  What Determines Recovery Time For A Sports Injury? Sports medicine can treat a variety of injuries in a relatively quick and effective manner. Read More 

Examining The Psychological Side Effects Of Unexpected Caesarean Delivery

Being pregnant is an experience most women never forget and traditionally pass down to their daughters in the form of advice and fond memories. However, for many women, pregnancy can be a traumatic, frightening time due to the anticipation of a painful delivery. Some women are nervous during pregnancy due to external circumstances and stress. For the woman that is anticipating a natural delivery, the unexpected need for an emergency caesarean delivery can be devastating. Read More