Two Tips For Hearing Aid Patients

Losing your ability to hear can be a devastating problem for many people to experience. In addition to making it potentially unsafe to navigate your daily life, this problem can also make it difficult for you to carry on with your professional career and personal life. Fortunately, hearing aids can dramatically reduce the problems that are experienced from this type of hearing loss, but many people do not have much experience with these complex devices. Read More 

3 Reasons To Take Your Baby To A Pediatric Chiropractor

Did you know that newborns could benefit greatly from seeing the chiropractor? You might think that this is not necessary since babies don't have back pain from lifting, exercising, or stress, but it is more than necessary for other reasons. Here are some reasons to take your newborn to the chiropractor. 1. Heal The Trauma From Birth If your baby was born vaginally, they most likely had quite a traumatic experience. Read More 

3 Tips For Handling Conflict With A Roommate In A Nursing Home

When your parent moves into a nursing home, you know that there might be some adjustment issues. One problem you probably did not consider is a bad roommate. If your parent is having problems with his or her roommate, here are some things you and your parent can do to alleviate the conflict. Talk to the Roommate One of the first steps you want to take is to talk directly to the roommate about the problem. Read More 

How To Avoid Unnecessary Visits To Your Child’s Doctor: Tips For Sick Kids

Every parent has been there: stuck with the dilemma of whether or not to take a sick child to the doctor and how to handle it if you do.  Your child's pediatrician is there to help you with all of your concerns regarding your child's health, but sometimes it's a tough judgment call to decide whether the doctor is needed.  Visiting a children's clinic brings more than an insurance co-pay and time out of your busy schedule - it also means possible exposure to germs from other children in the waiting room. Read More 

Are You A Candidate For Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry consists of dental procedures that enhance your smile. Traditionally, these are not considered necessary dental procedures, hence the word "cosmetic." However, you should not consider cosmetic dentistry for any reason if you are not taking care of any current dental problems you have. You are not a candidate for a good number of cosmetic procedures if you have existing dental problems. Before considering any cosmetic dentistry, make sure that you follow these rules. Read More