Binge Eating Disorder And Treatment

Eating disorders are serious and often lead to long-term health problems. While anorexia and bulimia are two of the most common disorders, there is also a disease called binge-eating disorder that you need to be aware of. If you are unfamiliar with the disease, then read on to find out more and to also discover how it is treated. What Is Binge Eating Disorder? Binge eating disorder is similar to bulimia due to the fact that individuals will binge eat a large quantity of food. Read More 

Treating A Sinus Infection: Three Steps To Take To Stay Comfortable

Having a sinus infection can make you feel downright miserable. Pressure, headaches, and a runny nose can make going to work or school seem like an impossible task. However, there are some things you can do at home to help relieve the symptoms and remain comfortable until the sinus infection goes away. Use the following suggestions, along with the help of your doctor, to get over your sinus infection. Use Steam Read More 

Three Symptoms In Children You Should Never Ignore

Whether you are a new parent or have a few kids, you are well aware that children don't come with instruction manuals. Having one would definitely come in handy, especially when they get sick. It can be hard to know if certain symptoms warrant a visit to pediatric urgent care. However, there are certain symptoms that might mean your child is very sick and needs immediate medical attention. Here are three symptoms in children you should never ignore. Read More 

What You Need To Know About Using Acupuncture To Treat Your Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a problematic condition that can have multiple effects on your life. You may be unable to play with your children, and you might experience pain during your daily activities. Some sufferers even have to miss work due to their pain levels. If it feels like your lower back pain is not improving, consider trying acupuncture to alleviate your discomfort. Here are a few important details you need to know about using acupuncture to treat your lower back pain. Read More 

3 Questions To Ask Before Surgery To Remove Your Brain Tumor

Eating well, exercising, and visiting your doctor for routine physicals are all important steps for your health and wellness. However, certain issues may still arise even when following these recommendations of medical professionals. An estimated 700,000 people in the United States are living with a brain tumor. These tumors must be removed in order to stop and prevent discomfort, immobility, and death in some instances. If you are currently living with a brain tumor and your doctor has recommended surgery, here are a few questions you must ask before the procedure. Read More