You can be happy that your orthopedic doctor will be doing arthroscopic surgery on your torn ACL instead of a more extensive surgery. The procedure will be done in an outpatient setting and your recovery will be much quicker. Here is what you can expect from the surgery and how to prepare for it and the subsequent recovery period.
Days Before the Surgery
You'll be instructed to stop taking certain medications for a few days before the surgery.
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When your child has a medical problem, you want to treat it as soon as possible. The problem is that some parents don't understand the importance of addressing vision issues in such a timely manner. The irony is that while some issues can be delayed and treated more effectively once the child ages, vision isn't one of them.
Here, you can learn why it's so important to make vision issues like strabismus a priority and seek treatment as early as possible:
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If you feel as if your balance has been off lately or that you have been more clumsy or dizzy than usual, then you could be wondering about the source of the problem. There are a lot of different things that can cause balance problems, so it's a good idea to seek medical help to find out what is causing the issue. These are a few common things that can cause you to feel off-balance.
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If you are a teenage girl, an important occasion in your life is seeing the gynecologist for the first time. In order to make this process less scary and foreign, you can consider these tips:
Understand Your Body
Because your gynecologist is going to be inspecting different parts of your body, particularly your reproductive system, it's important to become familiar with these parts before your visit. You need to know what each part is called.
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The shape of your face and skin tone are key factors you should consider when choosing an eyeglass frame style and color. Eyeglass frames, like those at Vision Eyeland Super Optical LLC, come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, so whether you are of the masculine or feminine gender, selecting frames can be a challenge.
Here are some tips to make the job easier and help you choose a pair of eyeglasses that will look good on you.
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